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  1. its days like today...

    Its days like today that are so wonderful yet full of people who take their lives for granted... when is enough enough... when will those people learn. Every breath you take, every moment you live and every thought you think should never be taken for granted. We all will earn our wings one day, but until that day fight the fight that is worth it, ignore the other crap that doesnt really matter and live with all the laughter you can find.

    life is all worth it... if you take nothing ...
  2. its days like today...

    Its days like today that are so wonderful yet full of people who take their lives for granted... when is enough enough... when will those people learn. Every breath you take, every moment you live and every thought you think should never be taken for granted. We all will earn our wings one day, but until that day fight the fight that is worth it, ignore the other crap that doesnt really matter and live with all the laughter you can find.

    life is all worth it... if you take nothing ...
  3. Almost Time

    Hi everyone just got moved to Nashville because the Fetal Center at Vanderbilt wants me to be close in case I go into labor. Cooper Lynn will be here in 1 week and 6 days hopefully!!! We are getting really nervous if anyone has any advice or if anyone is close like me please message us. THANKS!!
  4. looking for others like us...

    We are new to the Cherubs world and are looking for other parents who have lost their baby. We had to let go early due to extreme complications and I was hoping to connect with others that have been in our shoes. Please email me and for those of you who are still fighting, I will hold your hands spiritually and send loving, healing energy and prayers your way.
  5. Big Bad Mean ECMO

    Prayers please...Avarey is doing well this morning but she has to have a few procedures which are risky! With taking the fluid off it has caused a space between her windpipe and breathing tube...they now have to change her to a bigger breathing tube. This means moving her neck with the blood tubes in...and with being a blood thinners this could cause bleeding. Also they are not pleased with the artery line in her left leg and will be pulling that and placing it in her right leg. Once again this ...
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