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  1. the waiting game

    Well we are here at the RMD house awaiting the delivery of our little one. Some days I think I am ready for the journey to begin and others I can't even comprehend the journey we are about to begin. I know that God will give us the strength to travel down this path, but it is hard not to be scared. Part of being human I suppose. Times I want to cry, but I am always in a public place. And later I don't want to stir those feelings up and make myself cry.

    I thought I had prepared ...
  2. Updating

    Just updating.
    Some much has happened in the last couple of weeks.
    I am now one of the Volunteer Coordinators!!Which makes me very happy and I am so honored to have this position and only hope I can do the best job!!!!
    Shelby is actually eating a little by mouth and that alone is EXCITING!!!
    Lexi, (my oldest daughter) turned 8!!!She is getting so big!!!
    Shane has started his own construction company and it has been very stressful-but I stand by him and hopefully ...
  3. 2 more weeks

    Okay I think I might freak out on the day of my c-section. What I mean is that I am so worried and scared about how Hayden is going to do. I know with my other three I was so worried the day of the c-section I was shaking. Now I am having a baby with that is not completely healthy. I just do not know how I am going to be able to be calm. I want him to just come out breathing and have nothing wrong with him. I mean I know that will not happen but I so want it to. I am also worried at how I am going ...
  4. Makayla is HERE!

    Thanks everyone for all the thoughts and prayers! I wanted to give a quick update on how things went-but I am pretty tired so hopefully this makes sense.

    Makayla was born Friday Feb 15th at 5:34 pm weighing in at 10 lbs 4 oz and 22 inches long!!! It was not the easy labor and delivery we had hoped for-she gave us quite a scare at first, but thankfully she is home and doing well!

    We went in on Friday to be induced at 7am, I was already having contractions and was dilated ...
  5. 2 more days!!!!!

    Yesterday I went in for another appointment and we decided to set up an induction date! I go in tomorrow afternoon to get a gel to help dilate my cervix and we go back in Friday morning to start the induction! Hopefully everything will go quickly and smoothly and we will have our baby girl at some point on Friday! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we prepare to meet our daughter.

    I will update when I can!
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