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  1. Starting at the beginning

    I am finally logged in today after such a long break when Icouldn't access the site. :oops:

    I thought I should start (re-start?) this blog now! :idea:

    So here goes my very first version of the story I had posted about Anugrah's birth way back in 2000 when he was but a year old and had but one surgery.

    Shall post about the subsequent trials he has since faced, in a later post. :cry:

    Thank you all for being here.

    [quote:ffe1cc5069]Hi! ...
  2. first time blogger

    Hello fellow Cherub members,
    Corin usually dominates the computer but now we have a laptop and I can use the internet too! Well, Makayla should be here soon. The sooner the better, especially if you ask Corin. The anticipation is too much at this point, she is so close. That should make life much more interesting. Also it will be a major distraction from thinking about how badly the Patriots choked!
    Well, not really much going on so I won't keep writing boringness. Time to see ...
  3. The countdown continues

    We went in for another appointment yesterday-and all still looks good. She is still measuring on the large side and I am getting increasingly more uncomfortable as each day passes! We discussed the possibility of induction. I am 2cm dilated so an induction would be possible if necessary. It looks like if I don't go into labor naturally before my next appointment (next Tues) than they will most likely schedule a date for around the end of next week! I am hoping to go into labor naturally and avoid ...
  4. New Stuff

    I have a job interview tommorow with the assisted living rehab home. I landed it being as I have experience with the "handicapped" that the average bear doesn't have. I don't like thinking of Jeremiah as handicapped, but to the real world, he was. I have new pictures in my album today. Am still working out the legalities for the car show. Have basically been trying to find a common ground with the rest of the world, but I have a feeling that I will always feel that there is a sort ...
  5. 37 Weeks 1 day

    Well its February! The month I will meet my little girl. Last weekend we took a mini vacation to New Hampshire, which was nice and relaxing. We didn't do much of anything but enjoy being away. It's nice to know that the next time we go up there Makayla will be coming too! This week I have started to get things in order for her arrival-finally! We started working on the nursery and cleaning it out, we got the carseat put in, and the cradle in our bedroom. There is still a lot to be done, but at least ...
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