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  1. Thinking about Daniel's story

    A few days ago I saw a story on the news that caused me to "remeber"the connection that I have to the rest of you.
    Even now 7 years later, and having a survivor, the expierence is always painful to re-live even when I know the outcome. old obgyn has been plastered all over the news this week because her license has been suspended due to the fact that the medical bord found her to be "an immediate ...
  2. Aydas Story

    Hello. My name is Shanell Browand and I would like to tell you my story. Its about my daughter and her struggle at birth. This is a shorter version.

    When I was 17, me and my boyfriend, now my husband found out that we were expecting. We went through the normal pregnancy stuff, doctors, planning the room, until May 9, 2007. We went into the doctors to see if we were having a girl or a boy. We found out that we were having a girl, but we also found out that she was diagnosed with a ...

    Updated 08-28-2013 at 05:30 PM by Shanell Browand (Updating her journey)

  3. Ayda on YouTube

    [color=orange:0fb1b1b048][/color:0fb1b1b048]Here is Aydas video that is on youtube! I hope you guys like it!!!

    God Bless

    With much love,
    Shanell Browand
  4. Busy Beyond Belief

    Is this wallpaper extremely loud or what? I have to fix it ASAP.

    I spent all day with some local volunteers folding and stapling newsletters. Paper cuts everywhere but other than that, it was a lot of fun. I did quite a bit of CDH awareness today! None of the volunteers knew much about CDH except that I had a son with it, so it was a neat day explaining all that to them as they looked over the newsletter. We even folded 300 golf tournament brochures and 1000 CHERUBS brochures ...
  5. Keeping Busy

    We have continued to keep busy visiting with family and friends and showing off our little princess. This week we took Makayla to get her pictures taken. It took a lot of time and effort, she was a bit fussy, but in the end they captured some great moments-I can't wait to get them back! We picked up our birth announcements today and will start sending them out this week-one more thing to do on our ever growing list!

    Today we took a trip up to Boston to visit with some of the nurses ...
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