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  1. Accepting CDH

    I would like to start off by saying hello. I am Alejandro Alva and I am a proud survivor of CDH for 18 years. For years, I was angry and wondering why out of all people in the world why I had to suffer through this. Since my birth, I had to undergo six surgeries (three repairs and closures) and rely on oxygen tanks and feeding tubes. It was a mystery to both me and my mother, how could this happen? My mother never smoked and never drank, it also didn't appear to be genetic. In the past two years, ...
  2. Tired , Stressed, but doing WHATEVER it takes!!

    What a crazy day...woke up at 430 am to be in miami at 6... had to go on mild anesthesia (twilight) at miami today to do a M.R.I on baby Gavin... ugh first time got sick twice... it was just a horrible experience, but good news is 1 down 1 more surgery to go!!!... Love you baby boy, mommas doing whatever it takes for you!
  3. surgery

    We found out that Mar 26th my little girl will be having a re-repair of her cdh. Its been a scary journey. They plan to take the muscle from her shoulder to repair the diaphragm again. unfortunately the things she will endure have me broken hearted. She may even have to have a rib or 2 removed :/ Positive thoughts are appreciated <3
  4. How should I take that?

    So last night, I mentioned to Josh that he'd seemed a bit withdrawn lately. I mean he didn't even seem happy with the news the doctor gave the other day. I thought he was happy, just had other things on his mind. Well last night he told me that he thought I had lulled myself into a false sense of peace thinking that somehow everything would be okay, that she would be okay. And he just was preparing himself for the worst so it wouldn't be a shock. And he is now more worried about how I will react ...
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