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  1. Tote Bag

    I received a package from CHERUBS yesterday and want to say thank you. Thank you for trying to make this experience a little easier for me and my family. I truly appreciate it. I was touched by the donations - many things donated by families who have lost a child to CDH. Your kindness amazes me. Thank you again. Our baby is scheduled to arrive May 9th or 10th. We are hoping for the best. Thank you CHERUBS for caring.
  2. Happy Easter!

    Happy Easter. Not much happening lately. Ethan is doing well and looking forward to a fun filled Easter weekend. We are going on our annual fishing trip this weekend. They will have an Easter egg hunt Saturday at the park. We are looking forward to that and some much needed R&R for everybody. Ethan sipped some broth from a spoon yesterday evening during supper. Very excited about that. It's still liquid but he said it was good. He also sipped milk from a spoon and liked it. There ...
  3. Thank the calorie Gods, lol

    Axel was recently switched from pediasure to Boost Kids Essentials. He's been on it about a month and what a difference those calories make. He might not be a butter ball but he sure has filled out to where one can notice it. Carrying him has become a switched from arm to arm or switch from parent to parent thing. He is getting heavier. One thing his is getting better at and i can say has mastered is pulling up. Anywhere and everywhere he is standing. He cruises along things nicely but to take a ...
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