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  1. Feisty

    I'm sleepy today so this might be a bit more rambling than usual....which is saying something I had my weekly appointment with the perinatalogist yesterday. Delaney seems to be doing very well. She has gotten a 10/10 on her last two appointments there. She will do a growth check at this doctor next week, but I also saw my OB this week and she did a growth check and said that Delaney was 3lbs. 13oz. Which is one ounce over the "norm" according to the growth charts they showed me! I have ...
  2. Its been a month...

    Its been a month since I was last on here. I have had so much on my mind and so much going on that I haven't really been able to put much into words really. Delaney has been doing well at her check ups and has passed all of her little exams. She is practicing her breathing even. She also has grown. She put on 1lb 1oz in three weeks, which the doctor said she wouldn't do that much. She is also still active and moves almost constantly. I, however, have been feeling more panicky and worried that she ...
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