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  1. Ethan 8/31/11

    Ethan is doing very well. He has been playing a lot today. He didn't want to go to sleep without his water bottle Monday night. I think we had our first argument. He wanted to have it open while he went to sleep and I closed it. He got so mad. I set it by his bed, but he still carried on to have it open. He wanted his blanket over him but wouldn't lay down because he was scared I would take his water bottle away. Anyway, he finally lay down on his "pilpo" and held the water bottle ...
  2. speechless, hearthbroken and scared!

    When i was told my baby had CDH, i was speechless! I had a million and one questions just couldnt put them in words. I couldnt do anything let alone talk back to the doctor while he asked questions, I just knew nothing anyone says could make me feel any better, nothing anyone did could make me feel less sad. They knew silence was the best way they can help me. So when i drove myself home I couldnt speak to my babys father we were both hearthbroken. That was the only time he never tried to make me ...
  3. Ethan this week

    Ethan had a good week. He went to the GI doctor Monday and he was very pleased. There were no changes in his food schedule or anything. He weighed 38 pounds and was 37 inches tall. He went to the pulmonologist Tuesday and he said he looked and sounded great. He said to keep using the vest we were using and he is trying to get the insurance to cover it. The doctor said he thinks it's helping him. He got a refill on his Lasix and is using Allegra and Nexium.

    It has been ...
  4. Liam, I need your strength!

    My Dear Liam,

    Mama needs your strength right now! A good friend of Mama and Daddy's just had her baby, a boy named Austin. Your Auntie Whit sent me a picture, although I never wanted one. I know she wasn't trying to upset me, but now I sit here, a complete hysterical wreck, at my desk. I'm just devastated... I don't mean to sound like an awful friend, but it's just not fair! I'm devastated, bitter, upset and more sad than I knew I could ever be. If I can't have you, I feel like nobody ...
  5. Uncertainty equals answer to prayer

    We went yesterday for our ultrasound appointment. We had this one already scheduled as they were going to do the measurements, but the doctor wanted us to come in to be sure again. Aren't we glad we did. Or course the doctor on Thursday was not there and we had a different technician this time, but we have seen them before so we did know them. As she was putting the goop on me she started looking and kept saying, " hm.." she would cock her head to the side, press down in different directions ...
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