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  1. Blood test results

    I am happy that I do not have gestational diabetes, cause that could of just added to the issues already present . . . what a relief to hear something good for once.
  2. Gestational Diabetes

    Well the doctors office called yesterday evening and said I did not pass my glucose test . . . so now I had to fast all night and go and take a 3 hour glucose test. That stuff is the most horrible tasting stuff I thought the one I had on tuesday was bad but the one today tasted really nasty, maybe the glucose levels were different who know, I sure didn't enjoy the flavor. Not only did I have to drink the yucky stuff which made me sick to my stomach I had to get pricked four times to draw blood, ...
  3. Doctors VIsit

    Well we went to see the doctor today to get the usual ultrasound, he has finally changed positions, which I kinda figured since I had this lovely sensation of feet in my rib cage . . . lol. Well nothing has really changed his stomach is still the only thing in his chest, but his heart has shifted more, but still is beating and functioning properly, thank goodness. The amniotic fluid is starting to turn a dark color which the doctor said is normal for a CDH baby cause he is not able to breathe ...
  4. Been a little while...

    I haven't been on here in awhile. It's so hard to log on and see that another baby has lost its battle. After Faith passed, I wanted her to be the last one. It seems to have been a rough year for CDH babes.

    My heart breaks for Kerri, oh how I wish she wasn't in this place. I pray that God is holding Kayla and know that they are watching over Kerri and her husband. She was a beautiful little girl, who fought through so much.

    As Tiffany mentioned in her post, we have ...
  5. Your Baby Is 21 Months Old!----Ugh

    [b:a199c10ba3]Your Baby is 21 Months Old! [/b:a199c10ba3]

    Yup-he would have been. But he instead he will forever be 2 months old.

    Today was just one of those rough days that pop up every now and then. At least they are a lot less frequent. It started with a dream: I had two beautiful kids. One little girl and one little boy. The little boy was about two, was running around and had a mouth full of teeth. I looked at him and realized that I didn't remember ...
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