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  1. Daddy's Birthday

    Good Morning, My Perfect Angel,

    Yesterday was Daddy's 26th birthday. He cringese because that means he's one year closer to being 30. I know you and your big brother don't understand why that such a big deal, but for grown ups, getting old is not always a beautiful thing.

    Daddy went to the driving range with Pop-Pop then had Subway for lunch- Daddy loves Subway! When he got home, Lucy had pooped, pee'd and vomitted in her kennel. Apparantly she was covered in it ...
  2. Bryson Alexander Dobbs

    It is so strange to walk by people who are
    strangers. They see you and smile, you smile back. Some even comment on how beautiful you look, or " how far along are you?" Your tummy is
    swelling because you are 6 months along. You can no longer hide it with clothes so you dont even
    bother. You are pregnant. This is a happy time.
    People have no idea what is really happenin
    g. You can't tell by a look, or by just walking by them. Its deep within and unless ...
  3. Happy 3-Month Birthday, Liam Anthony Hunt!

    Our Gorgeous Angel, Liam,

    Today is your 3-month birthday! The months have flown by so quickly, and yet each day feels like an eternity without you. Each day Daddy and I find that something, even if it's a little thing, gets a bit easier. Your big brother talks about you with great pride and love, and helps me pick out your clothes every day and your jammies every night. We have pictures of you all around the house. You and your brother are, by far, the most photographed children we ...
  4. Bryson Alexander Diagnosed

    We just found at 23 weeks that our little Bryson has LCDH. They initially thought that it was CCAM but now they are convinced that it is this. Fortunately, his structure of his lungs and organs looks good however, his bowel is in his chest pushing his heart. We did a amnio to rule out chromosome abnormality and the physicians seem optimistic that he doesn't have this because of our blood sequential screening tests as well as the u/s have looked great. His heart is structuraly perfect. We are praying ...
  5. New Washington State CHERUBS Representative

    Quote Originally Posted by christinastembler View Post
    I have had a nice morning talking with some of my WA CHERUBS members, hoping to meet more of you.
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