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  1. A crazy jounery

    I first learned about cdh on my first ultrasound I was so excited because I was going to know the sex of my baby but that wasn't all I was going to know we as parents always want a healthy baby but it doesn't always go that way I remember the doctor looking at the screen and telling be I was having a boy I was so excited and being the mother of 3 other boys I figured this was going to be easy I laugh so hard the lady said you gave your baby a hernia I didn't pay her any attention because I was excited ...
    Tags: my baby boy Add / Edit Tags
  2. Elijah's Journey of CDH and Dextrocardia

    I've been feeling very emotional I wish Elijah would wake up to show me them beautiful eyes of his.Oh Lord, why... Why did this have to happen to us... Please heal him...

    Everyone I'm in need of assistance but I dont know how to link my go find me. Account on here I also have a PayPal account.. You can find me

    Anything would be very much appreciated...I usually don't ask but I'm really in need I'm sorry if I don't know how to approach this I'm very ...
  3. Elijah's journey of CDH and Dextrocardia

    Hi everyone I'm new to this site so if I post anything where I'm not suppose to please let me know thanks
  4. A "brief" medical history!

    Quote Originally Posted by Brooke Beecham View Post
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Kristen (Wilson) Beecham but I go by Brooke. I learned to introduce myself that exact way when I was 2.5 years old!

    I am a survivor of a LCDH (I was a "complete" herniation, kidney's spleen,liver,intestines,and stomach). My left lung was severely compromised and had not formed past being the literal size of a half dollar. My heart was completely pushed to the right. My spine had formed around those organs compromising my right lung
  5. All right.... last one today!

    To sum me up:
    I'm a mid twenties, breathing, walking, talking, swimming, running, active, blogging, testifying, God fearing, proof of miracles, surgery professional, random money making, DIY'r when money was tight (creative personality, inventor is my 1st calling, produce something out of nothing type. I was these, prior to the hipster-trendy, 'status symbol,' given to the DIY'r- green era of 2010's. I'm talking lightyears from, -totes 'adorbs' hipster SAHM, coupon clipping clepto.; taking ...
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