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  1. missing you

    Tomorrow will be 9 years since you left. Time does not make it easier, even though people say this is the way. I imagine what you would look like, our conversations, what school would be like for you. I question things I never thought of before, like life after death. Will you be there? I know I made the best decision for you, but at the same time, was it? if you had stayed, what would your life have been like. And why did this happen to you? What did you do to deserve this?
    9years later ...
  2. Devastated

    To Our Mighty Little Liam The Lion,

    Thinking of you today as always

    Nonna & Grandpa lost our beloved Max, the Doberman. You didn't get to meet each other. He was a big beautiful boy, albeit dopey at times. He loved your big brother, Landon always making sure his face & hands were clean . We are positive that our Max was taken from us to protect you in heaven and for you to have someone to play chase & "tug" with.

    Please always ...
  3. Ethan's eye appointment

    Ethan had an eye appointment today. I don't know if I mentioned that we changed eye doctors in June I think. Well, we like this doctor. Ethan has been wearing a patch everyday but it doesn't seem to be helping. He has an appointment with a doctor at Emory on 11/8/11 and will find out more then. I know little Ericka's eye surgery went well so that is a comfort and hopefully he won't have to do it. But I would rather him have the simple surgery thanfor him to lose his vision in that ...
  4. Axel my cherub

    Before my second son Axel was born I had never heard of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Shoot, when I went to google those awful words I didn't even spell them right. What could it be? What did I do? Why was my son born with that? Was he going to live?
    But after 4 months in the NICU with the great doctors and even the more Awesome Nurses, on ECMO 6 days(day 2 - day 7), hernia repair at 3 days old, open heart surgery at 3 and a half months old, and finally g-tube placement right before 4 ...
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