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  1. About Me

    [color=black:de304d822e]I really should be working on my regular job but I'm too interested in playing with the new site. :)

    So I thought I'd talk a bit about me if you all don't mind...

    I'm Dawn and I'm your normal, average 33 yr old woman living in North Carolina. Hardly. I'm a grieving mom of a cherub. That makes me "special". ;) I'm absent-minded at times, stubborn, too forgiving, silly, and I have my moments of total insecurity. I'm human. ...
  2. Testing out my new blog

    Hello all,
    I'm just testing out my new blog tonight. It looks good so far! I love the new site. Thank you Dawn for starting this wonderful site called Cherubs. I admire you for all that you have done to bring awareness to this awful defect known as CDH. You have helped so many families out there including mine, and I will forever be grateful to you for all the love and support you have given me and my family. You, Judi, Brenda and Tara have been so wonderful to me, and now it's time ...
  3. New Blog

    Boy, if this works it sure was easy to create!!! :) Now I am going to have to figure out how to get some photos of my girls in here. Wish me luck!!
  4. Welcome

    Welcome everyone. If you are from Michigan or Northern Indiana, send me a message, would love to connect with you.
  5. Quote of the day...

    [size=18:8931d643c5][color=violet:8931d643c5]"It is better to light a candle, than to complain about darkness".[/color:8931d643c5][/size:8931d643c5]
    R. Herzog
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