Stay Connected
After we moved to TN from MS I changed orthopedic doctors, I went to one in Memphis for a couple years. Until my sister had a four wheeler wreck and broker her back in three places and they sent her to Vandy, which is where I met my favorite Dr. Gregory Mencio. I love this man...LOL He then became my "back doctor". He took me out of the brace, which is one reason I LOVE HIM, He told my parents and I that there was no need in wearing it anymore because of two reasons. Those reasons ...
After my first surgery at nine hours old they told my parents if I could make it for 72 hours they MIGHT start talking about my survival. My mother and father were devistated! My mom was still in Oxford a couple hundred miles away in the hospital she didn't get out of the hospital for 5 days after I was born because of the C-section. My father and grandfather are both ministers and they began calling everyone they knew, which was alot of people for prayer. Before I was 24 hours old most of america ...
Hello Everyone! My name is Kristen Brooke, but I go by Brooke. I was just old enough to talk when I learned that phrase, my parents had said it so many time I just thought that is what you were suppose to say when you saw a new doctor or nurse. I am 20 years old and I live in Parsons TN. I was born with a diaphragmatic hernia which affected the left side of my diaphram. My intestines and spleen and several other organs pushed through the hole and formed where my left lung was suppose to be. It was ...
It's been a little while since I've updated here. Life has been hectic but I am trying to enjoy the little moments. Work is going well. It's hard getting up so early, but I love being out before the day really gets started. Being home with Makayla during the day is so rewarding. Makayla is doing great. We continue to see improvement in her arm. She has started to hold things and is even starting to be able to put her binky back in her mouth on occasion :) She smiles ...
Hi my name is Cynthia and my little angel Alex passed away in May of 2003. Alex was our second son. We had a normal pregnancy up until the doctor felt that I was carrying small at 37 weeks. He sent me for an ultrasound to check to see if I was leaking amniotic fluid. My husband and I realized that something was wrong when the ultrasound tech called the radiologist into the room. They went over and over the same spot on my belly for about 20 minutes. They then turned to us and told us that Alex ...