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  1. IT IS SO NOT FAIR!!!!

    It is not fair in any way!!!! I hate when any angel is lost to CDH. I think a baby lost after only an hour of life, or a day, or even in the womb, is a huge tragedy. The parents and family loses all the hopes and dreams for their angel and it breaks my heart. But I tell you, the loss of an angel who has already been home haunts me even more. The stories I hear where a baby survives for a month at home, or a few months or even a year or more, terrify me and devastates me to the core. I think ...
  2. colds

    7 months, but seems like 4 years. so after the worlds longest colds both of my sons were diagnosed with asthma and put on a nebulizer, that seeemed to really help. he is doing great now trying to walk, he has two new teeth, full of energy and the determination to not let anything get in his way. He gets what he want or he keeps trying, he is my little hero.