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  1. OOO the baby!

    Yes and I also left when I had been to the hospital with contractions.
    Everything was fine! He was due on August 16th (we didn't quite make it till then) I went to the hospital on July 11th with contractions and blood pressure spiking, they sent me home A HOUR away at 3.5 cm and 70% effaced and sitting on his head! So, the saturday I came home I was up ALL night with contractions in and out of the bathtub it was HORRIBLE...on Monday I was officially 36 weeks they had told me if I could make ...
  2. I just read where I left off....

    Well I think back in June of last year I left off at my 17 day stay at Vandy....I came home for four days and then I began to completely lose my appetite again and stopped BACK to vanderbilt and when I got there I started seeing a doctor by the name of Bermudez...he was a great doctor and all but I couldn't stand him! He made me so mad he kept telling me my problem was mental and that I was anorexic so the put a feeding tube in my nose and expected me to eat like 850 calories a day....fromt ...