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  1. Memorial Day Weekend

    :D We have had a great Memorial Day weekend. Saturday we went to the cemetary and visited my mother's grave. We took some new flowers. Then we rode around and ate at the Subway. Ethan enjoyed that; he hasn't been in very many restaurants. We were the only ones there for most of the time because we didn't eat until later. Yesterday we cleaned the house and played with Christa and Ethan. Today we grilled hamburgers, played with the kids and watched TV. I'm about to make sure I have my clothes ...
  2. Scared

    Well, after losing my grandchild in daughter has just informed me that she is moving 4 states away. I don't know what to do. My biggest fear is her going and getting pregnant again and not taking care of herself or forgetting to tell them some of the things that went wrong with emily. What do I do?
  3. In Love Emoticon

    I didn't explaine my "in love" emoticon. I am in love with my family. I praise God for them everyday.
  4. Great Day

    :) Ethan had a very good day. He is playing in his crib right now. Earlier he was crawling all over the place. He loves his busy ball popper and knows how to put the balls back in when they pop out. He pulled up using it for a crutch, then let go and stood by himself for a few minutes. It was very exciting. We are looking forward to him standing up without support and walking. He doesn't have to go to PT Monday due to the holiday. We are going to enjoy our 3 day weekend. I haven't taken ...
  5. Ethan

    :) Overall I would say I am happy. I am so thankful for my beautiful family and am listening to them as I compose this message. I didn't get my first post up so here is a summary of Ethan's story. He was born at 31 weeks with a right sided cdh. He was on the vent for 6 weeks, then extubated to the high flow cannula, then the regular cannula. He came home at 90 days old. At 13 months in Dec. 2009, Ethan had a 2nd repair and stayed on the vent 3 weeks. He was extubated to his regular cannula ...
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