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  1. So much to little time

    I haven't written in a bit, not for lack of things to write, but lack of time. We have been keeping busy. This month we have traveled to PA for a CHERUBS camping trip, went to Cape Cod for Fathers Day with Nate's family, and visited Boston to meet up with some local CHERUBS members for a zoo trip. Life has been busy, but good.

    Makayla is doing great! At her last appointment she measured in at 26 1/4" tall and 14 lbs 12 oz! She is in the 98th percentile in height. She continues ...
  2. Baby News!

    Well I ended up at the doctor today come to find out all the trouble was CONTRACTIONS but contractions like I have never felt! It was pretty hairy for a couple of hours today, but they ended up letting me go home thank the lord with meds and super instructions! So, any way i will post more on my CDH story later byes!
  3. Baby News!

    Well I ended up at the doctor today come to find out all the trouble was CONTRACTIONS but contractions like I have never felt! It was pretty hairy for a couple of hours today, but they ended up letting me go home thank the lord with meds and super instructions! So, any way i will post more on my CDH story later byes!
  4. I am awake so why not blog!.....

    Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! I ended up at the hospital on Tuesday night, come to find out I was severely dehydrated, and that is what was causing my contractions and heartburn. I got to the L & D they stuck me about 11 times trying to get an IV. They have always had a problem gettting IVs on me. So after about the 11th stick they stopped trying and called an anethesioloist (s?). He got there really quickly, ended up using my exterior juglar vein. I was terrified I have never that I ...
  5. Lets see...where was I......

    I guess I ended at the nurse from Hallafax....I won't use the word I have especially saved for her. I believe all of this took place on September 16th and 17th. The next 17 days of my life I must say I do not really remember. There were so many drugs in my system I couldn't function. They had me on a demerol pump 25 mg every 15 minutes, which made me itch so there is benedryl IV 25mg every 6 hours, the combo made me really sick to my empty stomach alot so they gave me Phenergan IV 25 mg every 4-6 ...
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