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ok....i need to talk to someone if they were told their babies hernia was caused by blunt trauma. I am trying to kind out if a kick that breaks a bone could cause this.
Well, after losing my grandchild in daughter has just informed me that she is moving 4 states away. I don't know what to do. My biggest fear is her going and getting pregnant again and not taking care of herself or forgetting to tell them some of the things that went wrong with emily. What do I do?
On March 12, 2010, my granddaughter Emily Rae was taken from us. She was not even 24 hours old. We were told after the autopsy that she had CDH on the right side that made her lungs really tiny. Her liver had moved up through the hernia and her bowel had started to. With her liver moved up, her heart was pushed over to the left side. My daughter's 20 week ultrasound did not show any problems at all. I never knew any of this existed and would like to talk to other moms that have had their babies ...