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he has arrived Mekhaai James

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mekhaai was born 3/17/10 at 3:12 pm by c-section. He was 8lb 12.1 oz. I will never ever forget the moment he was born, they walked past me with him, he was dripping wet and they paused for second to show him to me and then the started working on him. He was breathing on his own but I didnt know it at the time. I didnt hear him make a sound and they were working on him right in front of me so I could see everything and I was trying hard to listen to them talk, it seemed like forever, I heard someone say, geet massaging him, hes trying to breathe, but I didnt know they were saying that he was trying to breathe over the tubes, so I asked the doctor if he was alive and he said oh yeah and hes fiesty, and he fought them every step of the way and then I heard someone say he's trying to cry. I layed there and prayed like I have never prayed before in my life and I cried, I cried for myself and everyone else going through this. My c-section was not half as bad as the last one, I had a great anesthesiologist who gave me something for anxiety and It made a world of difference, I went back to my room and sent Mekhaai's daddy with the baby, he was shaking and scared and I am proud of him because he doesnt handle blood well but he did it and he didnt know if he should go with the baby or stay with me and I said go with your son, please, so away they went and I was left not knowing and scared. About 40 minutes after I was in recovery the team from Seattles childrens hospital showed up and brought baby by to see me before they left, I was given a picture of me holding his little hand and they said he was doing really good and all he required was a low vent setting and no blood pressure meds. They called me a few times through the night to let me know that nothing had changed and baby was doing good. Every hour that passed without a phone call was a relief, I checked in often and each time he was still doing good. Now its Saturday and I am just waiting for Monday afternoon to get here and I pray surgery goes well. I have been spending every second with my son, He is awake most of the time and I get to kiss and talk to him, Hes so beautiful I love him so much. He has quite the little temper too. One thing that is really hard, is watching him get upset with the tube in his mouth and he cant make a sound when he cries and it looks painful, he looks like he wants me to cuddle him and take out the tube, I tell him soon, baby, soon, after surgery, just a little longer and things will feel so much better. I love being a mom and each child still feels like the first, I forget each time how amazing and beautiful new life is. I am praying for a safe surgery and speedy recovery, fight little Mekhaai, fight.
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  1. JenniferTenney's Avatar
    What a wonderful fighter you have! Your story brought back so many memories for me. I think Mekhaai will continue to do great! I will be thinking of you all through Monday! Hugs!!!