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Corin Nava

It's A Girl

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I am very happy to announce that we are having a girl! More importantly, everything seems to be growing at normal rates, and everything is where it should be! We got some of the test results back and so far they have all come back with low risk for things like Downs Syndrome and Trisomy 18. The only concern was the spotting I had this morning, which after an exam was determined to be caused by a polyp. They will be keeping an eye on it, but say it isn't something to worry about. We will be going back to Yale in 4 weeks for another level 2 ultrasound to make sure everything is still going well. We still have a long way to go but this was the first big hurdle and I feel like I can breathe a little easier. I won't feel completely comfortable until I have her in my arms, but we are one step closer!
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    Lucky Luck
    Once upon a time...
    There was a king who had an only son. When the lad was about eighteen years old his father had to go to fight in a war against a neighbouring country, and the king led his troops in person. He bade his son act as Regent in his absence, but ordered him on no account to marry till his return.
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