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Back in the hospital, at Shands.

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Bre'ahna was admitted back to Shands last night.
She has been coughing and retching really bad for a few days.

Diagnosis is left lung pneumonia, which is her bad lung.
Discharged with heavy doses of antibiotics. Hope and pray that this will do the trick. lol... been there done that, back to hospital next day....... I don't like seeing residents with my angel, I want my doctors, but being a teaching hospital thats what you get. I'm getting frustrated because my baby needs to see her own doctors and not residents who dont know anything about her and cdh.. ughhhhhhhhhhhhh.......Just send some prayers this way.... Thanks.....
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  1. JadeHunt's Avatar

    My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you and your little girl! I know my Cherub, Liam will watch over her! God Bless and take care!

    Jade Hunt
  2. Lynn Howard's Avatar
    Praying for you all. Ethan experienced the pneumonia thing. It's hard waiting for them to get well. Take care of yourselves. Keep us updated.