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The Flood Has Begun......

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I lost my sweet girl nearly 11 weeks ago and the pain and sorrow seem to intensify. I feel like flood gates of emotion have opened. I find that previously I was trying to just keep things in check and "manage" myself and my grief. What I am learning is to simply let myself "be" and feel what I feel when I feel it. It is so very hard as I, probably like many of you, am so tired of feeling such deep sorrow and sadness. I find anger in it as I don't think it is the right way to honor my daughter. I want to "live" as opposed to feeling like a part of me has died. It is such a delicate balance. I know I will find my way, learning to be at peace with my daughter living in my heart and not in my arms. Until that time, my goal is to freely feel and "be!" Much love to all on this site! If you are a mother of a living cherub or an angel, I believe we were each chosen because of the strength and inner beauty we possess! XXoo
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  1. JessicaSindoni's Avatar
    I'm sorry for your loss. I was fortunate enough not to lose my little girl but the struggles she has endured have mad me angry at times. I dont think you are wrong for those feelings, yes you want to live but you want an answer and thats something you wont get. You honor your daughter every dya no matter how you feel, anger just shows that you were willing to fight for her. Hope you find peace soon. <3