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Bad News?

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I went yesterday for my weekly appointment with the perinatal specialist. Delaney is still doing great and passing all her tests. She is practicing breathing regularly and has good movement and heartbeat even through the contractions I have been having. Her weight isn't really where I wish it was but 4 lbs. at this point is nothing to scoff at. I had several contractions during the testing. They have been getting more frequent and more noticeable as time has progressed. They were coming at regular 10 min. intervals yesterday during the tests so I became worried that maybe the doctor was going to put me on bed rest or something due to that. But after she took what seemed like forever to come back in after the tests, she totally took me by surprise by saying that she wasn't concerned about the contractions really because Delaney tolerated them very well. In fact, the contractions didn't seem to faze her at all. She is doing great and doesn't seem to be affected by the other problem that we are now facing. Which is the blood pressure in the umbilical cord being elevated. She didn't tell me what this really means or what kind of complications it can cause or anything other than I have to go see her twice a week now for the same tests and monitoring. She said it was the second week in a row of it being elevated, which I didn't know, and so they wanted to check me twice a week. So far its not harming Delaney and again she doesn't even seem to know that anything is wrong. I'm not on bed rest or anything. But what does this mean? I can't really find any information on the internet about it at all. I've found a few things people have posted on other sites asking about it, but no actual answers. Its so confusing. Now I have three appointments a week and I'm missing tons of work. I feel like I spend my life in the doctor's office. I miss just being able to enjoy life and do the things I love, like gardening and hiking, and even just being able to enjoy being pregnant. I never thought my pregnancy would be so complicated!
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  1. Chris and TracyMeats's Avatar
    4lbs is good! She is growing! I hate to hear that you have to be monitored more often. I think they mean more the blood flow in the cord, don't they when the relate to high blood pressure in the cord and how the placenta is functioning. It is important to have Delaney checked out more often now, for they will be able to tell if it is time to deliver and if her placenta/cord is no longer working like it should. Just monitor her movements in the weeks to come and if you feel no movement or something abnormal with Delaney to call your doctor. Praying for strength for Delaney and you....(((HUGS)))
  2. amandaschaefer's Avatar
    This is exactly what happened to me with Waylon, his cord flow was elevated to the point where one week it was close to flow reversal which means immediate delivery. They do need more checking on and at one point I was have 3x's a week bbp and nst's. I would caution you to de-stress your life and being on bed rest or at least not working and taking it easy will probably be the best for you and the baby. I kept working (teaching) and chased around my 1 year old and didn't rest like I should...When my blood pressure got high it didn't do well on him or the cord flow.

    I'm not trying to scare you but Waylon was born at 32 weeks and passed 30 minutes after birth...he was 3lbs 11 oz. So every day that Delaney (love her name by the way) is in there, the better! Take it easy. I started irregular contractions and they got them stopped (after they flew me by jet to Children's Mercy in KC) but delivered him 3 days later...I woke up one morning and started contractions and less than an hour later he was there. I look back and wish I would have rested more not that that would have changed the outcome, but maybe he could have stayed in there longer and grew bigger.

    Best of luck to you, I had been wondering how you and baby were doing!

    Ask any questions you may have about the cord flow...I learned what to look for when they did the bbp's and I could tell instantly if they were good or bad!