Below are some images that you can add to your personal web site, blog, myspace, facebook, msn live page, e-mail, etc. Feel free to use them anywhere to help educate the public about CDH!

~~~~~ Our personalized CDH Awareness Ribbon Graphic ~~~~~

If you e-mail me your cherub's photo, name, and date(s) I will personalize a ribbon graphic for you. It may take up to a week, depending on how busy I am with CHERUBS and work but I will get it to you as soon as I can. These come in two sizes, the larger one below.

If you are handy with graphic software you can download the template at

~~~~~~~ CDH Awareness Ribbon ~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~ CDH Awareness Sticker ~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~ Adopt A Cherub ~~~~~~~~

These can be personalized with any of the cherubs found at and you can change the name to anything you like as well.

I adopted my cherub, Timmy from CHERUBS to help raise awareness for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

~~~~~~~ Valentine's Day ~~~~~~~~

We'll have these for all the holidays soon.


You can use *any* graphics from anywhere on our site without our permission as long as you link back to CHERUBS. You don't even have to say our name or give us credit - we just want to raise awareness!

Coding for all of these in the next post!