Ok, I know this probably won't make any sense in type, but it makes perfect sense in my head! Bear with me please....

I have 5 teenagers and 2 pre-teens in my life. None will wear the CHERUBS logo character shirts (despite 5 of them having characters designed after them!)... they say they are too "babyish". Well, try to get a teenager to wear something they don't think looks "cool". It's not going to happen. I bought one of Craig's boys an orange sweartshirt and have been banned from buying them clothes again. I know, orange sweatshirt... what was I thinking... how uncool am I? I'd wear it!

And let's face is... teenagers and young adults can drive the media and awareness to whole new levels if we implore them into this CDH awareness mission! Get 1 teenager to wear a shirt that other kids think is cool and soon 3 or 4 of them have to wear it and then more and it can snowball.

So..... I've been noticing Craig's boys designs on their clothes. They are skaters, love the clothes from Pac Sun, Aeropostale and those types of stores. And I've seen my nieces wear the same type of designs on shirts from Target and Wal-Mart... seems all the kids want to dress like skaters whether they skate or not. So he's my idea.... have you seen those shirts with what looks like a psychiatric ink blot test on them but they are more frilly and designed better? Kind of a mirrored floral, flame, leafy design - usually all black design. Yeah, I know, I'm not making much sense. Some of you with teens... help me out here, is there a name for this design? I need to take a photo of a shirt and post it I suppose.

My thinking is that we create some of these with cherubs silhouettes in them and post a bit of text under them. To keep them "cool" and still get awareness out. We can sell it on cafepress and zazzle.