What I love is that everyone can set up their own pages. Like, if someone wants to have a Birthday Fundraiser for their cherub's birthday they can set up a page and people can donate directly there with a credit card and they can keep track of how much money they have raised.

My sister is doing the Special Olympics Polar Plunge (in February, in ice cold ocean water... Brrrrrrr!) so she set up a page for that to raise money for entry fee (it's a $100 a person to plunge or something like that). She's been sending a little donation box all around the internet to raise funds. She did it herself without needing help from the Special Olympics people and she can see who has donated, etc.

People can add it to their web pages, MySpaces, Facebook, etc. I think I'm going to add one to Shane's website.

Stephanie, you might want to look into for the ATV Rally.

Yeah, I'm excited. LOL. This is such a great idea and one of the guys who started it called me a few hours ago after he saw our site just to say hi and see if I had any questions. That was so nice! I'm hoping he'll put our link on their homepage of Firstgiving.com.