Sent to us from Goodsearch:


GoodSearch is hosting a video contest to help raise awareness for non-profits and schools!

The prize is placement on the GoodSearch homepage (where it will be seen by millions of people who care about doing good) as well as a $100 donation to the organization featured in the video. And, all eligible videos will be featured on the GoodSearch YouTube page.

To enter, you just need to create a video highlighting your favorite nonprofit organization. For specific rules, click here! http://www. youtube. com/group/goodsearch

Pass this bulletin on to friends who care about making a difference!


Remember to use our full name on Goodsearch - CHERUBS - The Association of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Research, Awareness and Support

Our YouTube page -

Come on, I know there are several video gurus here who can submit videos!!!