Itty Bitty Blue is the van that we got!! I sent you a picture Penny!
Didn't I? If not--go check in the CHERUBS album--there is a picture in there of Itty Bitty Blue!!!!!!

Now-I am thinking I should bring all the girls. I want them to play with Aaron and Adam and all the kids that will be there.
Daw-do we have baysitters for the conference? HOw about for the Angel Ball? Or is that something we should have arranged?
I am bringing a babysitter and I know she could handle all four. But with only one--it would make it easier.
How far away is the hotel from the Angel Ball?
If I can get that answered--I can go from there--maybe I should get Shane's mom to come!!!!!and forget the babysitter and she could do all the sitting--she was a nurse and could be taught to feed Shelby????
I will talk to Shane--because Lexi our oldest--has said she wants to come, then of course her sisters want to come??????
I really want us all to come--my mother won't come--not that she won't come--but she is having company that week and she hasn't seen them in forever.

I will talk with Shane and let you know. But I should do this before April 30th--to book another room for Memaw. I bet she would like to come--she is a member of CHERUBS!!!!