Hi Barb,
I'm guessing that you're finally feeling better. I can't believe all that you've been through. I'm just seeing this post as I was banned from the Cherubs site for a while and Corin just got me back in. If it's not too much trouble, I'd like a copy too. I'll PM my home address. I wish I had been able to come to the picnic, I truly enjoyed meeting you all at the conference.
Also, I don't know if you remember, we were talking about crafting supply places and you said you knew of a website that had bags and things really cheap. Can you give me the name of the site? I went ahead and ordered the gift bags from Nashville Wraps as we needed them now, but if we can get them cheaper somewhere else in the future, that would be great. I was talking with Corin last night and it sounds like this gift bag project may go national. Woo hoo! That would be great. Think of all the families we could touch. I'm so excited!!
I love the scrapbook pages Corin put together for Gabe. You and Steph are so good to her. I can't wait to see the completed book.
See you soon???? Come on you can tell me, I won't say a word to Corin LOL