Ian is doing very well. He starts preschool next week and I am scared, happy, nervous, you name it and I am feeling it. He is so excited and is all ready--too cute to see him run around with his "Cars" backpack and he keeps asking me, is it school today?

You must be a busy mom with all 4 kids!! 3 is a handful for me! Part of me always wants a little girl, but I don't know if we could do 4. My boys can make me crazy somedays!! LOL--good crazy though.

Keep us posted on Henry's urologist appointment--hope it goes very well and you come up with a treatment plan. If he was to have another surgery, he is so young, he won't even remember it. Ian was still in the NICU when he had his surgery, but I think a lot of the time, the surgery is done on an outpatient basis. So not that bad, maybe just overnight.