Hi- so glad to see that Danielle will be travelling from Oz. It will be so exciting Danielle and for the other members out there- Danielle is an amazing lady who has done so much for the CDH families in Australia and has been the driving force behing Cherubs Australia. She's also great fun and i think the world of her!

Just wondering if anyone can tell me if they know of the date/ venue of the International CDH conference that the professionals/ doctors attend. In May 2006 or 7 they held an International conference in Mannheim Germany at a CDH centre and they had guest doctors from around the world presenting. I have the symposium notes from it however, I am trying to find out where the next one will be. Prof Steffan Loff was my contact there and his emails are being returned so any help would be appreciated. I would like an Australian representatives to attend and present their data/ research.

1st time I've posted here. I'll get my photos organised.

Thanks Alicia (mum to Cam 8yrs, Lachlan 12.9.02-16.9.02 & Miss Em 4yr)