Tania, I am confused. Why are Dawn and Barb full of crap? They posted lists that were given to them and their inventory is incomplete. We (as board members) do many things behind the scenes to ensure that this organization can be a supportive group and lately all it has come to is undeserved drama and petty HS/teenage bs. I have been a member for almost 13yrs and will continue to support ONLY CHERUBS because I know the true intent of those I am dealing with. I have personally met almost every board member at CHERUBS, numerous families, and many at BOH and I know in my heart where I can trust and find the support that I need, here at CHERUBS. I am sorry you are feeling the way you feel but maybe if you look past all this going on to the true root of what CHERUBS is all about you will find what you need. Dawn started this group with a friend and a typewriter, an extremely sick little boy, and a dream to reach thousands. She has accomplished that and has never been given the credit she is due. Not many can go thru what Dawn has and still hold their head high and I for one am proud to stand by her side through it all. Dawn was the only one that I came to that actually KNEW what I was going thru, for that I will be eternally grateful. So should everyone else. Everyone needs to stop the nonsense and get back to the basics, OUR CHILDREN. They are why we are here.