Amazing how well we have done since July 8th (the date you posted about making events to vote). We started at 888 behind then to 856. Quickly we went to 307 behind in 5 days then today we are now 151 votes ahead! AMAZING!!!

Dawn and a few others out there already know that I have posted a video on youtube about the APX contest. (post it around on facebook etc if you wish)

I'm also hosting a candle sale w/ my friend and we decided to donate all the proceeds to CHERUBS. If you want to know about it find me on facebook ( or message me here.

My boyfriend is also a member of ABATE and he mentioned a Charity Bike Ride w/ proceeds going to CHERUBS. I'm getting in touch with some people that already do this in the area to get all the info I need and hopefully by next year we will hold it! If anyone else knows anything about it or has suggestions let me know.