Last night, I realized that I needed to get off the stick and contact some newspapers about the possibility of doing a story on CDH and Ericka. I emailed a local newspaper, The New Bedford Standard Times, and their features editor emailed me back today! She said she wants to do a story but it'll be about a couple of weeks because she has some stories already lined up that she needs to do first. WHAT GREAT TIMING! It'll probably be out about a month before Ericka's birthday. I am so excited! I can't wait to spread awareness, tell everybody about my baby, and possibly help another family who may soon get the same diagnosis. Imagine, if any of us had ever read about CDH in a newspaper before we were given the diagnosis, we would've been much more prepared, at least knowledge-wise.

As soon as the story comes out, or the interview is conducted, I'll post again, either/or. =)