Have you ever wanted to help CDH babies but aren't sure what to do?

Have you ever wanted to be a philanthropist?

Did you know you can help fund CDH research, awareness and support for as little as 3 cents a day? Or if you skip Starbucks coffee for just 2 days a month for $10, you can fund a CDH HOPE Totebag for a critically ill newborn baby? For $100 a month you can fund materials for 5 hospitals to help 100's of newly diagnosed families understand what CDH is.

You CAN make a difference! Simply by making an automated, monthly tax-deductible donation you are helping our charity to help babies born with CDH and their families. And you can even do so in honor or in memory of your own cherub.

Sign up now and as a thank you to you for your support, our charity will mail you a free 2014 Save the Cherubs desktop calendar (to the first 50 new CDH Angel Club members). You can view the calendar every day and be reminded that YOU are making a difference!

It's very easy and secure to sign up through PayPal on our web site at http://www.cherubs-cdh.org/about/new...the-angel-club