Hi Emily,
My daughter is now 10 so I know a lot has changed. But we were told at 3months in eutro that our baby had LCDH. We were told there was options of going to the US to have that surgery done to try to fix the hernia in uetro. Our Dr. Told us there was really no sold evidence that this increased any odds. I am from Canada and was told that I would have had to stay there after the surgery and deliver there. The emotional loss of friends and family not to mention financial chaos that would have caused we ruled it out. But I agree with Tracy that ever case is different and Dr.'s give opinions that can be wrong. Right before my daughter was discharged to a closer to home hospital, we had the neo natal head surgeon call us in to show us her first x-ray. We had no real idea how luck we were till that moment, everything that could be in her chest cavity was and her heart was shifted. He said none of us thought she had a chance, they didn't think she could possibly have any left lung development. But she did 50 percent and that is why she is our miracle.
I will be praying for you and your family. Keep positive and ask lots of questions.