Hi everyone. Our daughter Alexandra Nichole Holladay was born via c-section at approximately 5:30 pm on Friday, 3/8 at Washington Hospital Center in DC and immediately transferred to the NICU at Children's National Medical Center next door, where she remains this morning. She weighed 6 lbs 12 oz at birth, which happened suddenly at 36 weeks. I started feeling weird around noon and within 6 hours she was out. It's been a whirlwind few days. She got by for about 20 hours on just a respirator before the doctors decided it was best to put her on ECMO. She's been very stable ever since but not well enough to reduce her support level just yet. The doctors keep telling us to be patient, that it could be another week or so before they can take that step.

Meanwhile I'm doing my best to heal from the surgery but it hasn't been easy. I'm breast pumping which is not going great but I'm getting lots of support from the counselors at the hospital and also from my OBG staff. Everyone at Children's is just AMAZING and we are so grateful to all of them for their support and care. It's all a bit overwhelming right now we're just trying to take it day by day and look for signs of her getting stronger.

I'm resting at home this morning (overdid it yesterday and had a rough night) but we'll be back at CNMC after lunch. I've been making regular updates on our Facebook page which is probably the best place to go for news on our situation: www.facebook.com/FlyTheAirplane. Will also try to make a longer blog post on our website, www.holladayaviation.com at some point today.

Hoping to be at the march in DC next month.
