Hi Sean. Thanks for the question. I like that you are planning ahead, and I'm glad to hear everyone is up to date on their recommended immunizations. Everyone in your family should definitely get a flu vaccine, including your pregnant wife. This will make your baby less likely to contract flu, since children under 6 months can't receive a flu vaccine. I would have your wife talk to her OB about getting a flu shot AND a Tdap vaccine while she is pregnant. A Tdap shot is recommended with EACH pregnancy now (helps protect the mother and unborn child against pertussis (whooping cough)), since he won't get a pertussis vaccine until 2 months of age. All family members over 11 should receive a Tdap vaccine if they have not already received one. This will protect everyone around the baby from pertussis, and will "cocoon" the baby from being exposed to this dangerous illness.

Quote Originally Posted by Ourfamily Wilson View Post
Hi Chris, we are in Canada and at 22 weeks gestation with a LCDH baby boy.

What vaccines or flu shots should the rest of the family be getting to help make our home a healthy home for when our baby is born and comes home? We are all up to date now with the normal stuff for our ages (42, 40, 16, 13, 1.5), but are there boosters that you would recommend?

Should we be getting flu shots this year for everyone? Should my pregnant wife get a flu shot?

Thank you.
