Thanks for doing this Brad. I don't have much a question as we are still trying to figure out what's going on with Brody. He's been home from the NICU for about 4 weeks...2 of those without his NG tube. It seems like his reflux was exacerbated by the increase in volume we started offering him because he was was getting hungry every hour. Brody is almost 3 months old. We literally today just upped his dose of zantac and he's seeing his surgeon on Friday. In the past 2 weeks, he went down from the 3 percentile in weight to 1 1/2 percentile. He is hungry and wants to eat but screams bloody murder with most bottles.

I just found out that I can mix his zantac with formula, so that should help me get him to actually swallow his medicine (as he hates it). I think his surgeon is going to want to increase his calories as well since he is on the small side. More TBD...

On another note, Aidan still has issues with overly creamy food. He loves mac and cheese but if it's overly creamy, it makes him get sick. Otherwise, he's an amazing eater...

Thanks again