Hi Felecia-
I had 2 thoughts when reading your post: a) you may need to add calories to his food and b) you need to consult with the medical team to make sure his calories are being absorbed correctly. As I continued reading your post, it is clear that you have already gotten both of my suggestions under your belt. My son's doctors always told us that CDH kids burn calories faster than normal kids because they have to work harder to breathe. The more severe the pulmonary hypoplasia (little lungs) and more medical issues, may make this worse. If Bryson is eating well, that is GREAT news. Now it's just time to find out where all of those calories are going. As far as storing food in his cheeks, I'm not sure that means anything, but I would definitely make sure that it's not due to any swallowing or oral motility problems. Your Occupational or Speech Therapist would be able to tell you that, if they haven't already. Good luck!