Hi Dreisy,

I am so sorry for your loss. I remember your name as i believe we were going through losses at similar times. I hope you know it wouldn't have made any difference if you had found it earlier. I believe 19 weeks is probably the average time to find out and even still early. At 13 weeks we knew Berkley's heart was on the wrong side of her body, but we were told they wouldn't be able to confirm any diagnosis for at least another 4 weeks. So at 17 weeks we found out the devastating news of CDH, and they told us because of the very early diagnosis her case was more severe. It is very rare to be diagnosed this early from what I've learned. Again, I don't believe the time of diagnosis makes any difference. Every child is different and the Doctors really don't know anything until they are born. I hope you and your family are doing better. I know how hard this is. If you ever want to talk feel free to message me. Take care.
