Some of you are having trouble with the albums so here is more info...

- You must be logged in to upload any photos

- You must have cookies and javascript enabled on your web browser

- You can set up your own album by clicking on the bottom of the Users Albums page at

- You can only upload 1 photo in the Survivors and Non-Survivors album

- You can upload many photos in the Conferences, Get-Together, Contest albums, as well as your personal album

- Your photo must be in .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, or .PNG format. BMP photos are not allowed.

- Your photo must be no more than 1024 pixels wide by 768 pixels tall.

- Your photo must be no more than 150 KB large. (We have to pay for hosting storage so we can't allow a ton of huge photos)

- Your photo description needs to be less than 150 characters

- All albums are public so be careful of what you post!

- You can edit and delete photos that you post