Oh I have so many things I am working on right now!! I am ordering supplies for three new bracelets. One will be a birthstone bracelet with the cherub's name on it (just like Lise had asked about) the other is a bracelet that will say "Mother to a Cherub" I can change Mother to anything though, I am just starting with that, It can say Aunt, Grandma, Sister, whatever....it will have CHERUBS colors for the beads. I will also be working on a survivor bracelet for parent/child/teen with pearls. I also order some silicone bracelets from the site Shannell gave us. Those will be rainbow that say CDH Awareness and CHERUBS website on the back. They are pretty cheap, about 6 bucks for one. Ew just wait, I have so many ideas running through my head!! I am also trying to get a page set up on Shannon's website to post the pictures. I have not gotten very far. Betwenn the pregnancy, fixing up the house, my puppy, the holidays, school and work, I am going bonkers. I should probably be at the othe rhouse right now doing something, but I like posting on CHERUBS more. Steve may not like it, but he doesn't have to know that's what I have been doing all morning LOL!