Our latest header stars are:

Top Row:

Camden Gage Seay
John Murphy
Federico Contu
Sade Hemmekam
Lauren Kaleleiki
Drake Alexander Michel
Faith Grace Miles
Cadenne Hope McDaris
Peyton Rose Shoemaker
Autumn Climer
Alexander Nazareth
Lucas Cartner
Mason Linehan

Bottom Row:

Caden Parker
John Michael Larson
Christian Parra
Marley Jane Steingass
Drew Lewallen
Angelina Sierra Decker
Tanina Cadwell
Dakota "Cody" Cawvey
Caleb Ray Cox
Mary Elmore
Brayden Hawkes
Gabriel Witmer
Alexis Dalrymple
Weston Cooper

I know I promised someone that their cherub would be in this header... I cannot for the life of me find that post. If I promised you and your cherub isn't there, please let me know!