No i'm just saying maybe if someone wants to start a chain thing we can all take a week. You and dawn were examples
I think I ate too much
I think we did the thing where everyone at once wrote in w/i a week period. There must have been 50 of us at one time. And nothing happened. I'm just thinking that maybe if 50 of us write once a week, maybe they wouldn't be overwhelmed ( Stuff like this sounds good in my head but once I write it , ( and I don't proof read)I'm thinking it is typed as it sounds in my head....( I need chocolate)
***BUT I have a great one here too
you nominate an organization which a parent started to benefit the community. Parents donates 500 to the cause .
How great is that? I saw it in my Sept 07 issue of parents magazine.

( I'm off to Baskin Robbins )