I agree, Amy, very good point. The same with pets. I had to fabreeze several baskets and still couldn't get the smell out of a couple of them.

(Go ahead, let me have it for admitting this)..... I smoked for 15 years. I am the last person to judge anyone on smoking as I know how incredibly hard it is to quit, especially going through all we all have gone through - I do draw the line at smoking around the kids though. I quit years ago and it's amazing the difference in smells. When you smoke or have pets, you really don't notice the smell because you're used to it. But to someone who doesn't smoke or have pets, it's overwhelming. My family smokes and riding around my mom's car with her during the events last weekend... headaches all weekend. Nothing like no sleep, stressed over 3 events and headaches too! LOL. First thing I did when she left and I got my car back (I left it at home that weekend) was wash my hair and clothes - I reeked of smoke just from being in the car. Craig wouldn't come near me either (don't blame him!). I had to put smoker's baskets in the garage, fabreezed a dozen times trying to get the smell out and the whole garage smelled like smoke. Heat and smoking smell don't mix well together. I never realized how bad it smelled when I smoked. One of my sisters (the only non-smoker) would complain and complain and I thought she was just being a nagging PITB, but now I see what she meant!

So I agree with Amy and hope no one is offended - I do realize it's very unnoticeable to smokers themselves. Our first basket auction, we didn't know - we're learning as we go. Now we know what to do for next year!