Dani-I thought I posted about it all somewhere on here Anyway-It all was wonderful!!!! The whole day couldn't have been more perfect. We had over 50 people come, plenty of bowlers-lots of fun! We won't have the final count on how much we raised for a few weeks (till all the sponsor $ is collected and sent in), but already we have far exceeded our goal! We are playing around with the idea of making it an annual event since this year went so well!

The rest of the weekend was great too! Steph and Barb flew in on Sunday and I don't think I had a moment of downtime until Tuesday! We had a lot of fun, they definitely helped me get through a tough time. They even came to Gabe's site with us on Tuesday (Gabe's bday) and we dropped off our presents... very emotional, but it was so nice to be able to share that with them!

Steph and Barb-I miss you already!