Did you get my email on 12/22 asking for more info? As I've said, I'd be more than happy to call around and get rates but no one is able to give me anything without more information (specifically dates, times we need the conference rooms, what style of room ie. reception, theater, or board room, etc., how many rooms we'd be blocking, that sort of thing, whether we'd need meal service).

It's not a question of begging me to help if it's in SA, I simply won't be able to do anything. Michael is not the kind of child you can drop off with a sitter so you can drive two hours away to hang out for a day, and I know you know what that's like, Dawn. I want to help, but realistically I will not be able to. If the masses want it in San Antonio, that's great! Go for it! This is a CHERUBS conference, not a Mel conference, I'm sure you guys would have a great time if the conference was on the moon. =) I'm just letting you know up front that what I can do to help is limited by geography and what my child is doing healthwise, I don't want anyone to have any false expectations.