On May 17, 2009 we invite all houses of worship, clubs and organizations to join us in raising Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness!!!!

Churches and other houses of worship are a great place to raise awareness - their service programs often talk about charity work that they are involved in. We are asking all churches to include just a few paragraphs about CDH in their church bulletins on May 17, 2009. 1 church can raise awareness with 100's of people! If we all get our churches, friends and family's to join in with their churches, plus clubs and other organizations.... we can raise awareness around the world!!!!

"Churches for Cherubs" is just a rough draft name... we really don't have a name for this event. I just like the sound of that name. But it does include ALL churches, temples, synagogues, clubs, organizations, etc. Other CDH groups are welcome to participate and use a different name or "Churches for CDH" or "Day of Prayer for CDH" or whatever they'd like to join in!

Also, besides the educational part of this event... we would really like to ask those of you who pray to do so on this day. Pray for the babies and families affected by CDH, pray for the researchers and doctors and nurses. Pray for the end of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. No matter your beliefs - please think positive thoughts to the end of CDH so that no more babies and families will suffer from this devastating birth defect.

You can ask more than 1 church to participate - invite every church in your town or all the churches in your district!

We don't want to exclude those who don't go to church. If you don't go to church, you can participate in other ways! You can hold an event such as a balloon release or candle lighting ceremony. You can have a fundraiser. You can just wear your CDH Awareness clothing or a ribbon button and tell people about CDH.

How do we do this? Just take the following paragraphs to your pastor / rabbi / priest / leader and ask them to print them in the church bulletin for Sunday, May 17, 2009. Feel free to use any of our graphics or your cherub's photo in the bulletin!!


Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) occurs when the diaphragm fails to fully form, allowing abdominal organs to move into the chest cavity and preventing the lungs from having enough room to grow. CDH occurs in 1 in every 2500 babies. 1600 babies in the US every year. Over a half million babies around the world since 2000. Every 10 minutes a baby is born with CDH.

Babies born with CDH undergo surgeries and long hospitalizations. 50% of babies born with CDH do not survive. The cause is not known.

Please join us in learning about CDH and raising awareness so that more research may be done and more babies saved.

For more information about CDH, you can visit www.cdhsupport.org